7.3 The TreeSummary class

(Linux version)

< 7.2 | 7.3 | 7.4 >

The TreeSummary class will read a tree file, keep track of the number of distinct tree topologies found therein, and count the number of trees having each unique topology.

This ability is essential for summarizing a posterior sample of trees. It allows one to construct the 95% credible set of tree topologies, for example, and sets the stage for constructing a majority rule consensus tree.

Create a new class named TreeSummary and store it in a header file named tree_summary.hpp.

Here is the TreeSummary class declaration. The class has 2 data members. The vector _newicks stores the tree descriptions of all trees read from a tree file. The vector _treeIDs stores a map that associates a key in the form of a tree ID (the set of all splits in a tree) with a value in the form of a vector of integers, where each integer in the vector is the index of a tree description stored in _newicks. Each separate tree ID corresponds to a unique topology, and the associated vector allows us to count and, if desired, print out all trees having that topology.

#pragma once    

#include &lt;set&gt;
#include &lt;map&gt;
#include &lt;vector&gt;
#include &lt;fstream&gt;
#include &lt;cassert&gt;
#include &lt;algorithm&gt;
#include &lt;boost/format.hpp&gt;
#include &lt;boost/range/adaptor/reversed.hpp&gt;
#include "split.hpp"
#include "tree_manip.hpp"
#include "xstrom.hpp"

#include "ncl/nxsmultiformat.h"

namespace strom {

    class TreeSummary {

            void                        readTreefile(const std::string filename, unsigned skip);
            void                        showSummary() const;
            typename Tree::SharedPtr    getTree(unsigned index);
            std::string                 getNewick(unsigned index);
            void                        clear();


            Split::treemap_t            _treeIDs;
            std::vector&lt;std::string&gt;    _newicks;


            typedef std::shared_ptr&lt; TreeSummary &gt; SharedPtr;

    // insert member function bodies here

Constructor and destructor

The constructor and destructor function do nothing except report that a TreeSummary object was created or destroyed, respectively.

    inline TreeSummary::TreeSummary() { 
        std::cout &lt;&lt; "Constructing a TreeSummary" &lt;&lt; std::endl;

    inline TreeSummary::~TreeSummary() {
        std::cout &lt;&lt; "Destroying a TreeSummary" &lt;&lt; std::endl;

The getTree member function

This function returns a shared pointer to a tree built from the tree description stored in _newicks[index]. If index is too large, an XStrom exception is thrown.

    inline Tree::SharedPtr TreeSummary::getTree(unsigned index) {   
        if (index &gt;= _newicks.size())
            throw XStrom("getTree called with index &gt;= number of stored trees");

        TreeManip tm;

        // build the tree
        tm.buildFromNewick(_newicks[index], false, false);

        return tm.getTree();

The getNewick accessor

    inline std::string TreeSummary::getNewick(unsigned index) { 
        if (index &gt;= _newicks.size())
            throw XStrom("getNewick called with index &gt;= number of stored trees");

        return _newicks[index];

The clear member function

The clear function simply empties the _treeIDs and _newicks vectors.

    inline void TreeSummary::clear() {  

The readTreefile member function

This function reads the tree file specified by filename, skipping the first skip trees. We make use of the NCL’s MultiFormatReader class to find all TAXA blocks. If the NEXUS-formatted tree file does not contain a TAXA block, the NCL will create one for the taxa that it finds in the TREES block. For each TAXA block found, the member function clear() is called to reset the TreeSummary object. (Typically, there will be only one TAXA block in each tree file, but if there happens to be more than one, only the last will be stored.) The readTreefile function then stores each newick tree description found in _newicks, and, for each, builds the tree using the TreeManip::buildFromNewick function and uses TreeManip::storeSplits to create a tree ID (called splitset) for the tree. If the tree ID for this tree has never been seen, it creates a new entry in the _treeIDs map for this tree ID and associates it with a vector of length 1 containing the index of this tree. If the tree ID has already been seen, it simply adds the current tree index to the vector already associated with that tree ID.

    inline void TreeSummary::readTreefile(const std::string filename, unsigned skip) {  
        TreeManip tm;
        Split::treeid_t splitset;

        // See http://phylo.bio.ku.edu/ncldocs/v2.1/funcdocs/index.html for NCL documentation

        MultiFormatReader nexusReader(-1, NxsReader::WARNINGS_TO_STDERR);
        try {
            nexusReader.ReadFilepath(filename.c_str(), MultiFormatReader::NEXUS_FORMAT);
        catch(...) {

        int numTaxaBlocks = nexusReader.GetNumTaxaBlocks();
        for (int i = 0; i &lt; numTaxaBlocks; ++i) {
            NxsTaxaBlock * taxaBlock = nexusReader.GetTaxaBlock(i);
            std::string taxaBlockTitle = taxaBlock-&gt;GetTitle();

            const unsigned nTreesBlocks = nexusReader.GetNumTreesBlocks(taxaBlock);
            for (unsigned j = 0; j &lt; nTreesBlocks; ++j) {
                const NxsTreesBlock * treesBlock = nexusReader.GetTreesBlock(taxaBlock, j);
                unsigned ntrees = treesBlock-&gt;GetNumTrees();
                if (skip &lt; ntrees) {
                    //std::cout &lt;&lt; "Trees block contains " &lt;&lt; ntrees &lt;&lt; " tree descriptions.\n";
                    for (unsigned t = skip; t &lt; ntrees; ++t) {
                        const NxsFullTreeDescription & d = treesBlock-&gt;GetFullTreeDescription(t);

                        // store the newick tree description
                        std::string newick = d.GetNewick();
                        unsigned tree_index = (unsigned)_newicks.size() - 1;

                        // build the tree
                        tm.buildFromNewick(newick, false, false);

                        // store set of splits

                        // iterator iter will point to the value corresponding to key splitset
                        // or to end (if splitset is not already a key in the map)
                        Split::treemap_t::iterator iter = _treeIDs.lower_bound(splitset);

                        if (iter == _treeIDs.end() || iter-&gt;first != splitset) {
                            // splitset key not found in map, need to create an entry
                            std::vector&lt;unsigned&gt; v(1, tree_index);  // vector of length 1 with only element set to tree_index
                            _treeIDs.insert(iter, Split::treemap_t::value_type(splitset, v));
                        else {
                            // splitset key was found in map, need to add this tree's index to vector
                    } // trees loop
                } // if skip &lt; ntrees
            } // TREES block loop
        } // TAXA block loop

        // No longer any need to store raw data from nexus file

The showSummary member function

Finally, add the body of the showSummary function, which reports the information stored in _treeIDs in a couple of different ways. It first outputs the number of trees it read from the file. Next, it iterates through all distinct tree topologies stored in _treeIDs, reporting the index of each tree having that topology. It finishes by producing a table showing the number of trees found for each distinct tree topology, sorted from most frequent topology to the least frequent topology.

    inline void TreeSummary::showSummary() const {  
        // Produce some output to show that it works
        std::cout &lt;&lt; boost::str(boost::format("\nRead %d trees from file") % _newicks.size()) &lt;&lt; std::endl;

        // Show all unique topologies with a list of the trees that have that topology
        // Also create a map that can be used to sort topologies by their sample frequency
        typedef std::pair&lt;unsigned, unsigned&gt; sorted_pair_t;
        std::vector&lt; sorted_pair_t &gt; sorted;
        int t = 0;
        for (auto & key_value_pair : _treeIDs) {
            unsigned topology = ++t;
            unsigned ntrees = (unsigned)key_value_pair.second.size();
            sorted.push_back(std::pair&lt;unsigned, unsigned&gt;(ntrees,topology));
            std::cout &lt;&lt; "Topology " &lt;&lt; topology &lt;&lt; " seen in these " &lt;&lt; ntrees &lt;&lt; " trees:" &lt;&lt; std::endl &lt;&lt; "  ";
            std::copy(key_value_pair.second.begin(), key_value_pair.second.end(), std::ostream_iterator&lt;unsigned&gt;(std::cout, " "));
            std::cout &lt;&lt; std::endl;

        // Show sorted histogram data
        std::sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end());
        //unsigned npairs = (unsigned)sorted.size();
        std::cout &lt;&lt; "\nTopologies sorted by sample frequency:" &lt;&lt; std::endl;
        std::cout &lt;&lt; boost::str(boost::format("%20s %20s") % "topology" % "frequency") &lt;&lt; std::endl;
        for (auto & ntrees_topol_pair : boost::adaptors::reverse(sorted)) {
            unsigned n = ntrees_topol_pair.first;
            unsigned t = ntrees_topol_pair.second;
            std::cout &lt;&lt; boost::str(boost::format("%20d %20d") % t % n) &lt;&lt; std::endl;

< 7.2 | 7.3 | 7.4 >