17.2 The TreeLengthUpdater class

(Linux version)

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The TreeLengthUpdater class encapsulates an Updater that can modify the length of all edges of the tree simultaneously, effectively rescaling the tree to make it larger or smaller. This updater is needed for good mixing because the only other updater that changes edge lengths (TreeUpdater) only changes edge length proportions, not edge lengths.

Create a new file named tree_length_updater.hpp and fill it with the following class declaration.

#pragma once    

#include "updater.hpp"

namespace strom {

    class TreeLengthUpdater : public Updater {
            typedef std::shared_ptr&lt; TreeLengthUpdater &gt; SharedPtr;


            virtual void                clear();
            virtual void                proposeNewState();
            virtual void                revert();

            virtual double              calcLogPrior();

            void                        pullFromModel();
            void                        pushToModel() const;

            double                      _prev_point;
            double                      _curr_point;

    // Member function bodies go here

The constructor and destructor

The constructor calls clear to do all the work and then sets its name to “Tree Length”.

    inline TreeLengthUpdater::TreeLengthUpdater() { 
        // std::cout &lt;&lt; "Creating a TreeLengthUpdater..." &lt;&lt; std::endl;
        _name = "Tree Length";

    inline TreeLengthUpdater::~TreeLengthUpdater() {
        // std::cout &lt;&lt; "Destroying a TreeLengthUpdater..." &lt;&lt; std::endl;

The clear member function

This function returns this TreeLengthUpdater object to its just-constructed state.

    inline void TreeLengthUpdater::clear() {    
        _prev_point     = 0.0;
        _curr_point     = 0.0;

The calcLogPrior member function

This overrides the base class version and calls the base class function calcEdgeLengthPrior to do the work. Edge lengths are the only parameters changed when this updater is invoked, so the only component of the prior that needs to be calculated is the joint prior on tree length and edge length proportions. We will need to be careful, however, because TreeUpdater returns a joint prior for tree topology, tree length, and edge length proportions, and if both updaters’ calcLogPrior function is called in the process of generating the overall prior, we will end up including the tree lengths and edge length proportions twice. We will handle this in a crude way now (by simply excluding one of these updaters when generating the prior), but will be forced to create a more sophisticated system in Step 19 when we add yet another updater that modifies tree topology and edge length proportions.

    inline double TreeLengthUpdater::calcLogPrior() {   
        return Updater::calcLogEdgeLengthPrior();

The pullFromModel and pushToModel member functions

The pullFromModel function stores the current tree length in its _curr_point data member. The value of _curr_point changes when proposeNewState is called (after a copy is stored in _prev_point), and the function pushToModel rescales the tree based on the ratio of the new tree length (_curr_point) to the previous tree length (_prev_point).

    inline void TreeLengthUpdater::pullFromModel() {    
        _curr_point = _tree_manipulator-&gt;calcTreeLength();

    inline void TreeLengthUpdater::pushToModel() const {
        double scaler = _curr_point/_prev_point;

The proposeNewState member function

This function proposes a new tree length by multiplying the old tree length by a factor that is either slightly greater than, or slightly less than, 1.0. with the magnitude of the factor determined by the Updater data member _lambda. This is the same technique we used in previous steps tp update omega and the rate variance. The calculation of the Hastings ratio for a proposal like this is discussed in Holder et al. (2005), but note that the Hastings ratio calculated there was m^3 because three separate edge length parameters were being modified. Here, there is only one parameter (the tree length) that is being modified, so the Hastings ratio is, in this case, simply m^1.

    inline void TreeLengthUpdater::proposeNewState() {  
        // Save copy of _curr_point in case revert is necessary.
        _prev_point = _curr_point;

        // Let _curr_point be proposed value
        double m = exp(_lambda*(_lot-&gt;uniform() - 0.5));
        _curr_point = m*_prev_point;

        // calculate log of Hastings ratio under GammaDir parameterization
        _log_hastings_ratio = log(m);

        // This proposal invalidates all transition matrices and partials

The revert member function

This function swaps _prev_point with _curr_point so that, when pushToModel is called, the tree length will revert to the value it had before the change was proposed.

    inline void TreeLengthUpdater::revert() {   
        // swap _curr_point and _prev_point so that edge length scaler
        // in pushCurrentStateToModel will be correctly calculated
        double tmp = _curr_point;
        _curr_point = _prev_point;
        _prev_point = tmp;

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